Rod Building Components and Tackle Resources
Struble Uplocking Fly Reel Seats
U1 DeluxeThe ultimate in design, performance and beauty. Our Deluxe top of the line reel seat has specially designed round threads and a once piece diamond knurled hooded lock nut. Supplied with formed nickel silver retainer and a finished wood barrel insert. Available in Bright Clear and Black hardware.

Description | Insert |
U1C - 360 Bore Bright Clear Hardware | |
U1B - 360 Bore Black Hardware | |
U1 Skeleton - Only the metal hardware from the U1 Deluxe reel seat. We stock these for the craftsman who enjoys turning his own wood insert or create whatever mid body insert desired.
Description |
U1SKC Bright Clear Hardware |
U1SKB Black Hardware |
G Uplock
Turned and milled from solid stock for smooth operation, strength
and superior holding quality. Every effort has been made to make this
seat as slim in profile and light as possible. Furnished with wood
insert of your choice, standard end plug and contoured cork ring.
Available in Bright Clear or Black hardware.

Description | Insert |
GUC - 360 Bore Bright Clear Hardware | |
GUB - 360 Bore Black Hardware | |
U 14
Scaled down, unique uplocking fly reel seat is precision machined
aluminum with either clear or black anodized finish. Smaller type reel
seat. Variety of wood inserts available.

Description | Insert |
U14C - Clear Hardware 640 O.D.-3-3/4" long | |
U14B - Black Hardware 640 O.D.-3-3/4" long | |
All the metal parts of thise elegant reel seat are made of
nickel-silver tubing and solid stock. The U8 retains all of the elegant
features with its slim design and delicate appearance. Comes iwth a
contoured cork ring, unpolished nickel-silver finishing ring. The wood
barrel insert is high gloss Cocobolo, which is the standard wood with
this reel seat. Any other wood inserts must be special ordered.
Skeleton (hardware only) is also available.

Description |
U8 360 bore |
U8SK Skeleton Only |
U9 Deluxe
Designed for heavy duty use. This unit incorporates a 1-1/2" cork
section which forms a non-removable fighting butt integral with lock
nut. Allows firm seating of the reel and a firm grip when unlocking.
Supplied with cocobolo wood insert, nickel silver formed retainer and a
precision cut contoured cork ring. Bright Clear or Black Hardware.

Description |
U9C - Bright Clear Hardware |
U9B - Black Hardware |
A smaller, scaled down version of the U6-U7. Black anodized all
metal seat is 4" long, has .515 I.D. with a .640 O.D. 1" Fighting butt
is permanently attached. Precision-matched aluminum uplocking fly seat.

Description |
U15 anodized metal |
U7 Saltwater - Designed primarily for use with heavy fly reels. Black anodized for corrosion resistance in saltwater applications. A high quality design which has no peer. Accurately cut square thread. Two heavy duty diamond knurled lock nuts separated by a compressible "O" ring to assist in secure locking. Strong machined slip ring. Precision cut contoured cork ring. Body has milled section to accommodate the larger reel feet. Supplied with removable butt plug for that attachable fighting butt.
U6 All Metal - Similar in style and appearance to the U-7 seat with the exceptions being that it is 1/4" shorter in length, has "V" threads and the second lock nut and slip ring are combined unthreaded unit with the "O" ring embedded in the slip ring. Light saltwater fishermen perfer this to the U-7.
U6E - Same as U6 all metal with the added extra of a built-in fighting butt extension that is retractable. When you desire to use a longer fighting butt, simply unscrew the butt plate and it extends and screws into a locked position.

Description |
U7 Saltwater |
U6 All Metal |
U6E |
16SP- Spey Seat
Skeleton Spey Seat is available in either clear or black anodized aluminum. 815 I.D.
Description |
16SPC Clear |
16SPB Black |
Other Struble Products: [ Fighting Butts | Downlocking Reel Seats | Accessories | Winding Checks]